When conducting business abroad, you may need to take cash out of the business in some instances. For accounting purposes this essentially is considered a temporary directors loan and should be recorded as such in your Ember account, the same as any other temporary directors loan. This guide will walk you through the necessary accounting steps to properly reconcile any cash taken out of the business.
Record the Withdrawal Properly
The most important thing to remember is categorise any money taken from the business as Directors loan.
Returning unused Cash
If there is unused cash when your business abroad is concluded, please put back into the business bank account categorising as Directors loan to net-off.
Future Repayments
Any future repayments on the money taken you put back to the business, please also categorise as Directors loan to net-off.
Receipt Management
Finally, we would guide to keep your receipts and you can split out expenses on your return from the original balance taken on the transaction.
If you require further assistance with this process, please do reach out to our Support Team via the pink Intercom chat icon in your Ember account.