As an employer you may offer to cover the cost for an employees fees to a professional body. This could be in the case where you run an accounting firm and your employees have to pay the ICEAW for their yearly membership.
What's included
Employee membership fees to professional bodies listed here.
What's not included
If the company you pay is not on the approved list, you should categorise it to an employee benefits category such as Educational Assistance for Employee.
How is it taxed?
The payment made for this is a deductible expense and you don't have to report anything to HMRC or pay tax/NI if all the following apply:
The company pays the organisation directly or the employee pays and the company reimburses them
They are on this list of approved bodies
You have exemptions covering your fees and subscriptions
Tax tips
Only certain professional subs are exempt from PSA/P11D reporting - make sure to check the list!