Amex users - update 22/05

Guidance for those users emailed on the 22/05 who have a connection with Ember connected prior to this date.

Steven Anderson avatar
Written by Steven Anderson
Updated over a week ago

Previous issues

We understand that in the past, the Amex connection has caused some issues, on occasion resulting in legitimate transactions being deleted from your account. We want to apologise for the inconvenience caused.

In Ember, we connect to your Amex account using a third party provider (Truelayer), who integrate with banks, most commonly making use of the open banking APIs. Open banking APIs are essentially digital bridges allowing third-party applications to access banking services, such as transactions on your account.

The solution

Although we’ve been fixing these issues as they arise, our third party provider (Truelayer) has finally moved their Amex API over to the open banking compliant standard, meaning, alongside some other fixes we have released, we have now been able to fix the problem properly to stop these issues happening again in future.

From the 23rd May our new integration with the new API is live and we will discontinue the old Amex connections. This won’t affect any Amex transactions already within your Ember account, but in order to continue receiving new Amex transactions in Ember, please create a new connection for your Amex account, which will automatically use the new integration.

This new integration will automatically import your transactions from the date the previous integration stopped importing transactions. However, we do still believe it’s possible that some transactions may have had their dates or references changed and therefore either appear on both connections, or get missed.

Action we need from our clients

To ensure all your Amex transactions have been accounted for, please make sure you have sent Ember a csv upload of all of your bank transactions via Amex to date (see guidance below as to how to export a csv from Amex). This way we can sanity check that the total balance showing in Ember is correct and make any adjustments required as a result of the issues described above.

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