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How to allocate salary payments correctly
How to allocate salary payments correctly

After running your payroll in Ember there will be newly created salary payment categories. This article will show you to reconcile the two.

Steven Anderson avatar
Written by Steven Anderson
Updated over 4 months ago

After reviewing and submitting your payrun or after your payroll has been automatically filed in Ember, this will create the necessary adjustments within Ember from a payroll perspective.

When the payroll has been completed the following adjustments are made:

  • The payroll costs are reflected in the profit and loss taking account of the take-home pay and payroll taxes

  • A payroll amount owed is created in Money Business Owes to Employees or Directors loan

  • A payroll amount owed is created in PAYE & NI Owed to HMRC

  • A payroll amount owed is created in Pension Contributions Owed

This creates new category tiles in the category list like below:

When you are categorising your transactions, you would select the appropriate individual as the category when allocating the payment

You should always use these "Payroll for..." categories in order for the "Money business owes to Employees" balance to net off correctly.

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