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Tax Tips
Top tips from our team of tax experts
Operating multiple trades as a Limited Company
Tax essentials
Charity contribution - Tax efficiency
Garden Office - Tax Implications
Implication of taking a directors loan through the company
Keeping electronic or physical records and receipts
How much should I pay myself? - Limited company director tax efficiency for 23/24 & 24/25 tax years
Non-Spousal Share Transfers Explained
What is a Unique Tax Reference (UTR) Number
Choosing a business structure
Deadlines for Self Assessment
Key Man Insurance: Understanding the Tax Implications for Small
Businesses in the UK
Relevant Life Insurance: Tax Implications for Small Business Owners in the
How do I repay student loan when self-employed or operating through a limited company?
Cash basis vs Accruals accounting & which does Ember use?
Share transfers to spouse
Record keeping for a limited company
Sole Trader vs Limited company
Allowable expenses for Limited Companies
Corporation Tax changes - From the 1st April 2023
Tax efficient options at the higher rate threshold
What is self assessment for individuals in the UK?
Self assessment - Balancing payment explained
Self assessment - Payments on account and balancing payment explained
Self assessment for individuals in the UK
W-8BEN form
What is the 24 month rule?
Company and Personal Pension Contributions